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Frequently asked questions
Below are some of the most frequently asked question from our users. If you cannot find the answer to your question you can contact us anytime!
Active Commute Challenge
Only 7% of Canadian adults use active transportation to commute to work (Stats Can, 2016).
Commuting actively is a great way to build physical activity into your busy day!
Offsets air pollution from motorized vehicles, reduces CO2 emissions.
Provides health benefits in the form of improved fitness, decreased cardiovascular risk factors, and contributes positively to the management of diabetes.
You can submit any form of active commute where you replaced your vehicle. Here are some examples of what counts:
- Biking to work
- Walking to a meeting
- Taking transit instead of your car
- Biking to an appointment
Here are some examples of what doesn’t count:
- Your daily walk breaks as you’re not replacing your ride
- A routine / scheduled jog
- A gym workout (unless you actively commuted to and from…you could count that!)
Physical activity reduces symptoms of depression & anxiety, increases feelings of happiness, improves mood, and builds resilience. (ParticipACTION, 2021).
Choosing active transportation reduces carbon emissions related to commuting.
Here are some common reasons why people don’t sign up for the ACC, but don’t worry, here are some simple solutions that may help you incorporate activity into your day.
I work from home:
You can still participate! Replace any trip in your vehicle with an active commute! Take the bus to the grocery store, bike to an appointment, walk to grab a coffee.
I live in the country:
Consider a park and ride – find a place to park and actively commute the rest of the way.
I don’t feel safe:
Ask a colleague who is familiar with active commuting to buddy up with and show you the ropes. Safety in numbers! Also find a route that you are comfortable with.
I have to drop the kids off at school:
Consider an active commute with your kids. Being a role model for active transportation will send a positive message to your children.
There’s just no way I can:
If you’re stuck and there is no way around the need to drive to work, consider an active commute on your break or lunch. Walk or bike to the coffee shop or for lunch. Better yet, ask a colleague to join and double those active kms!
The goals of the Active Commute Challenge are to increase physical activity, reduce emissions, and mitigate traffic congestion. Driving an electric vehicle alone does not count toward this challenge.
Account Questions
Walking Challenge FAQs
Your workplace name will be displayed to the public on the “Community Workplace Leaderboard.” Your name and commute information will only be visible to members of your workplace team.
When you are logged in, click on the “My Account” or “View Progress” tabs on the top menu.
Click on “Account Details” and locate “Workplace Name”. Here you can edit your workplace team.
Team members appear on the team leaderboard as long as they log at least one commute. If no commutes are logged, then that individual will not show up on the team leaderboard.
The Active Commute Challenge Team will be happy to assist. Please email your issue to
Any and all walks may be tracked as part of the 2024 Walking Challenge!
Walk like a penguin:
- Feet wide
- Knees bent
- Arms out for balance
- Take shorter steps
- Wear gloves/mitts
- Dress warm
- Go slowly!
Visit for more tips on how to walk safely in the winter.
You may have heard this old Norwegian saying “there is no bad weather, only bad clothes”, no? Well, now you have. Getting active outside in the winter means you need to layer up! Check out this helpful page for tips on how to choose your layers for winter walking.
If you find yourself walking in low light or the dark due to the short days in winter, make sure to be visible with reflective clothing/gear (i.e. reflective safety vest or arm/leg bands) or lights (i.e. headlamp or flashlight). Be seen. Be safe.
A brisk or vigorous walk is one in which you can talk, but not sing.
General Physical Activity FAQs
Becoming more physically active improves our overall health, builds strength, and makes us feel better.
Physical activity is an essential component of a healthy lifestyle and helps us at every age.
According to Canada’s 24h movement guidelines:
- Moderate to vigorous aerobic physical activities such that there is an accumulation of at least 150 minutes per week
- Muscle strengthening activities using major muscle groups at least twice a week
- Several hours of light physical activities, including standing
Getting 7 to 9 hours of good-quality sleep on a regular basis, with consistent bed and wake-up times.
Any time you swap sedentary time for more movement, even light physical activity like walking, there is potential for greater health benefits.
Adults should aim for no more than 3 hours of recreational screen time, breaking up long periods of sitting as often as possible.
Sit Less, Move More Workplace Challenge
Sedentary Behaviour refers to activities that we do while we are sitting, reclining or lying down and expending very little energy. Some examples are using a computer or tablet, watching television, playing video games, or sitting in a car.
Prolonged sitting and lounging may increase your risk for chronic diseases. In Canada, individuals spend an average of 9.6 hours of waking time sedentary. Interrupting sedentary time by taking short breaks, to stand up, stretch, or walk around, will reduce your risk for chronic diseases.
The Canadian Physical activity Guidelines for Adults recommends limiting sedentary time to 8 hours or less, which includes: no more than 3 hours of recreational screen time and breaking up long periods of sitting as often as possible
You can track all minutes during your work day in which you were not sedentary (sitting still). This may include, but is not limited to, standing, stretching, walking, wheeling, strengthening exercises, etc.